Intraday Stock Screener is a tool which you can use to scan stocks real fast for Intraday and Swing Trading.Intraday Screener works on realtime basis to generate important alerts based on pre defined trade strategies.
Some of the important alerts it has are –
1> Next Day WatchList for stocks with levels that contain important stocks scanned on technical parameters which can show action for next day
2>Stocks breaking Opening range and previous day range (ORB and PRB)
3>Nifty ,BankNifty and all FO stocks Support and Resistance levels including Pivot Points.
4>Open High Low Strategy Screener
5>Live Open Interest of stocks as well as Long Builtup , Short Builtup , Long Unwinding , Short Unwinding stocks.
6>Scans Like Top Gainers, Top Losers , Top Volume gainers , Top Intraday Gainers.
7>All indices Live data including Midcap,smallcap, Metal,It , FMCH etc as well as American ,European , sgxNifty Data.
8>Alerts for Stocks nearing Important Ranges like weekly , monthly , 52 week high lows
Click below to Buy Screener using Credit/Debit card /Netbanking/Wallets
Price : 5000rs for 6 months
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Note : There is no refund once payment is done, please enquire before purchasing our tools.
NOTE: Please provide Gmail address for screener access . It may take upto 1 business days for activation.
Contact 9838479931 for Queries.